Determine the roles of the teachers as active members of the community and as global citizens responsible for the outcomes of their actions and for developing other citizens.
Determine ways and means to ensure the high standards of personal and professional development.
Apply principles in constructing and interpreting traditional forms of assessment.
Apply principles in constructing and interpreting alternative/authentic forms of high quality assessment.
Choose appropriate principles in the preparation and utilization of the conventional and non-conventional technology tools as well as traditional and alternative teaching strategies.
Use activities that enhance critical, creative, and metacognitive reading skills.
Apply approaches to curriculum development.
Employ activities, teaching methods, instructional materials & technology, classroom management techniques appropriate for chosen subject areas.
Analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, motivational and socio-cultural factors that affect learning.
Interpret theories and findings related to child and adolescent development along the biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions.